Voyager Lyrics

1. Daydreamer

I've always kept in touch with my imagination
Since there's nothing here, but the straight and narrow dull convention
I used to be on the search for who and what I love
And now it's just home that doesn't fit me like a glove

I feel like I should leave
Find somewhere I'd rather be
I'll go as far as the eye can see

It never helps when my world is always fractured
And my mood always simmers close to a rupture
The culture I belong to is barely here
And I know that it's booming elsewhere

Dare I dream for something more
A place that won't keep me tethered
Because I don't want to dream forever

2. Pretty Girl

It started with a video
"I'll bloom just for you"
Fell in love with him at 16
Wanted to try something new
Started with nail polish
"He's turning to the other side"
Faint-ish image in my head
But I didn't know the ride

I can see someone new in me
I can see a new image in me
But now it's just a fantasy
That I want to be a pretty girl for me

Finding all these women online
Inspirations helping me out
Ones that seem like me
The goal is a lot clearer now
Seeing some on the street
One second study's all I need
To help find what's inside
That wants to be freed

I can see someone new in me
I can see a new image in me
But now it's just a fantasy
That I want to be a pretty girl for me

I want to be a woman

3. Madeleine

You know that dream I told you about the other day?
Well, it keeps coming back
Maybe it's trying to tell me something...

Looking down the escarpment
There's no future here
The lady's willing to start fresh
With no trace of fear

Pack up all her shit
Head up to the big smoke
Watch her old home fade away
While ascending the mountain road

Writing to her friends at home
There's never been a place where she's felt more comfortable
Making love with her new friend
Her sweetness almost too much to handle

Madeleine stayed another hundred days
Falling in love with the place
Beaming through the garden streets
There's nothing left for her to chase

The world is always changing
No time left to spend
It hurts that her love has to make her own way but
There's always hope that their paths will cross again

4. The Promised Land

Let's see where this voyage takes me

Well, this is the place

5. Just One Night

Rocking up to the bars
I'm all decked out in colours, so bright
Came for the music, whiskey already flowing
Excited for a fun night

Mingling, dancing in the crowd
That's when my eyes locked with yours
You looked just like my kind, a rare fruitful sight
After a smooth conversation, our fuzzed minds said "why not love for a night?"

Waking up in your unfamiliar bed
Sunlight beaming in upon the bedside flowers
Saw you peacefully sleeping naked next to me
Felt just like a dream so I went back to sleep
Wake up again, it turns out its real
Realised as you walked in with a cheeky smile
Asked me if I had a good sleep, I just nod groggily
It still feels like a dream, why am I here?

As usual, I forgot everything that happened
So you brought me up to speed with flirts in between
There was something in how you talked about me
Made me think there's more to this than my fuzzed eyes can see
More than your pretty eyes, smile, curves, blemishes
More than your beautiful decor, trinkets, collections
I couldn't describe it, but I felt something click inside
And my cloudy mind just said, "Why not stay another night?"

(This ain't a dream)
After frolicking all day in your sanctuary
I remembered it was late Sunday, I need to head home soon
You were pleading, almost begging on your knees
But my duty calls, my own home calls

Last minute makeout, you cried as you cling to me
We made sure we'd keep in close touch
A heavy sinking cloud came over both of us
It told me emphatically that this'll last more than just one night

6. Pretty Girl Reprise

You don't have to change to be pretty
You're already beautiful to me
By the hair on your legs
By the curves on your torso

Cruising around the city and suburbs
AE86 complete with a sunroof
Your hair flowing in the breeze
As you poke your head and torso out
Us both singing the melodies
While I tap beats on the steering wheel
To the mixtapes I made, specially
for simple nights like this

Laying in your bed, in your sanctuary
Full of records, CD's, tapes, DVD's, the lot
With enough plants to fill a nursery
And homemade wallpapers, posters and paintings
It's a whole other universe
And we're the goddesses to its legends

You don't have to change to be pretty
You're already beautiful to me
By the smile on your blemished face
By your pillowy voice
I love every little part of you

Whether you're setting your coffee down to flip the music
Or whistling while making snacks in the kitchen
It's these little things in the cozy mundane view
Where I see the real beauty within you

7. Other Ones

How have we ended up here?
This isn't the lover I know
Obsessing over a dream you had
Of a girl from long ago
Please tell me that story again

She used to be the girl you loved
But only as a friend
24 months passed you by
And sent both of you 'round the bend
Put our love and memories up in the air

You kept on going under the radar
Your excuses becoming weak
I couldn't define your erratic behaviours
You made it a challenge to speak
it out, like I was interrogating

All I've been craving is your love
Because you're one of a kind
Now you've sent me into a world of hurt
Was this love just in my mind?
Maybe this bridge should be burning

You said I'm special
I'm not like the other ones

Kept pushing me 'til I'd break
Can't keep emotions at bay
Built my brick wall up
Now you've stopped wondering what's up
No use in climbing it now
'Cause I'm still wondering how
To get myself feeling right
It'll be a long hard fight

And it'll be a long hard fight
Because I've now lost sight
Of the special thing between us
And my heart is completely crushed
Got sick of being patient
Now the train has left the station
You asked me once more if I'd stay
I said "No, I'll make my own way.
Have fun with your new babe."

I'm not special
You're cruel just like the other ones

8. Swimming

Let's get the fuck out of here

Swimming in a pool of tears
A pool of conflicting feelings
A pool of tarnished memories
And love shattered into smithereens
A pool of self-doubt, questions
Did I know how to love in the first place?
Can I find that feeling of desire again,
When it's now bound to a time of hurt?
What made her look for someone else?
Was it her or I that wasn't pulling their weight?
Do I need to change something on my body or my home?
How do I love again?

9. Cudmirrah / Golden Drive

Bring me back down
Bring me back down
Bring me back down to earth

It's time to go home

10. Both Feet On The Ground

Shed more than enough tears, time to move on
Time to let the floodwaters drain away
Hop on the waves at the beach
And bathe in the warm winter sun

Always have a map in hand if I get lost
On the long winding roads
Always remember to pull over and rest
When I get exhausted I'll take in all the views

I'll keep both of my feet on the ground
Keep both of my hands up for the next round

It's about time I move on, put myself first
Dive head-first into the new chapter
Where I have all of the power

I can't believe it
I'm living the dream
I've made it

11. Still Dreaming?

Hey! You're still asleep.
Why are you still asleep? It's been 10 hours.
Wait, you thought everything that happened was real?
Shit... I should've given it some cloudiness. I made it too realistic.
It's true, it was all a dream.
None of that actually happened.
Oh come on surely you knew it was too good to be true!
You had a whole relationship come and go in it!
You moved to a new city.
You got everything you wanted. You were spoiled!
You don't want to wake up? Seriously?
It wasn't real, it was a dream.
I'm telling you now what's real is you're still at the bottom, you need to work for that shit.
You know you have things to do today, like every other day.
Hey, at least you have something clear to aim for.
Okay, stop being stubborn now. Just wake up.
Hello, Wake up!
For fuck's sake, WAKE UP!!