
Hi! I'm Phoebe Luna Evans, a musician, graphic designer, visual artist and photographer from the Illawarra region in New South Wales, Australia. I'm a lady of many passions, small and large, including my professions, video games, pinball, old and new technology, cars (espacially sports and super road cars) and a bunch of different sports. I'm also on the internet a lot of the time.

When it comes to music, I love a big mixture of electronic, rock and jazz of any age, with occasional sprikles of the pop of yesteryear. As of late, I've been exploring a lot of rave-y stuff and a lot of low-key stuff (like ambient, folk rock and classic jazz), so if you have any recommendations please let me know!

On the visual side, my primary mediums are graphite pencils and ink pens, and I love landscapes/nature, urban and surrealist settings for both artworks and photographs. When it comes to graphic design, my favourite things to make are music packaging and adverisement posters, with the designs being heavily influenced by it's subject and illustration mediums.

As with all of my endeavours, I'm keen to learn and try out new things to see where my strengths lie and discover new methods and movements. With new discoveries comes new problems to solve and new challenges to face, and this helps to further develop my craft and create amazing things. This website that I've created is no exception!

So with that said, I hope you enjoy what I create and bring into the world and I hope that you can be part of that, either as a collaborator or a consumer.